Mls Cup Playoffs

I'm watching. You knew Toronto was doomed the minute I posted they're going to be the team coming out of the East into the finals.
Would you mind spending the offseason saying how bad NYCFC will be?
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I kind of remember back when they came to town earlier in the season there was an article (in the Times???) relating how a lot of people from the Portland area have moved to NYC for one reason or another and how they really followed the Timbers from far away.

I also recall the night of that game the away supporters section was packed and alive.
You know, we were not a playoff caliber team. These matches are mostly entertaining. Our matches are largely unwatchable. If I weren't a supporter, I'd turn our games off. We got what we deserved.

Couldn't agree more. Said it after the final game. We are unwatchable unless you're a supporter. We play like American soccer used to look...boring & untalented. The Ugly Game.
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Seriously. We watch a great non-defensive display by teams that have been doing it right for 10+ years and ... Somehow that's Kreis fault. Get over your lovers quarrel already. Think about how much hype and money were spent in LA just to crash out. You think NYCFC nation is mad...

I'm glad to see both last year finalists eliminated. Only prob is this is looking more and more favorable to RB.
My lovers [sic] quarrel? Okay, dude.

Any word on whether cuts will be based on the outcomes of bare knuckle rights with your fellow genius Jason Kreis? I'm calling for one with Poku. Loser leaves town.
I... Huh?

wow really knocked it out of the park. #DecisionDay rulez.
Fights. Not rights. Although, I imagine bare knuckle rights to be an arcane legal doctrine entailing the same.

Also, Kindle Fire no good at message boarding. Ipad no good at losing leads to DCU, so have to play the subs.
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Fights. Not rights. Although, I imagine bare knuckle rights to be an arcane legal doctrine entailing the same.

Also, Kindle Fire no good at message boarding. Ipad no good at losing leads to DCU, so have to play the subs.