Mls Cup Playoffs

Fights. Not rights. Although, I imagine bare knuckle rights to be an arcane legal doctrine entailing the same.

Also, Kindle Fire no good at message boarding. Ipad no good at losing leads to DCU, so have to play the subs.
Is this close to what you did?
That parting of dark clouds is how I will feel when we announce Frank Lampard as player-manager.

The unpictured tornado is how I will rage when he sends himself on loan for a self-congratulatory run in the Capital One Cup.
I don't worry bro. I got you! Gonna get Dan to get the guys at Ryan's Daughter to put some Zoloft in Shepard's pie next year.
Impact look really good. It could happen. If that badass Belgian guy gets suspended or something, though, it would be lights out.
Im hoping for a vancouver mls cup victory

a seattle v portland/whitecaps western conference final would be huge

Montreal are a dark horse though. Drogba and the team are on fire.
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I'll be watching the Giants this afternoon, so I'll probably miss the first half or so of the Jersey Boys-DCU match. Looks like it could be a very entertaining day with all the match ups on least a very long one anyway.
What I'd like: Portland vs. Seattle...Montreal vs. DC...Seattle vs. Montreal...Montreal
What I think: Vancouver vs. Seattle...Montreal vs. Red Bulls...Seattle vs. Red Bulls...Seattle

My head and heart can never choose the Red Bulls
The DC-RBNJ match was awful. This Portland match is much more entertaining.
Hopefully once we send the old guys to the beach, we can get more young dynamic players.
Hopefully once we send the old guys to the beach, we can get more young dynamic players.
Ain't happening with Kreis at the helm. He wouldn't do it at RSL, and he wouldn't even do it when we had nothing to play for this year.
Didn't watch at all yesterday (pouted after the Giants game), but damn it looks like Seattle is getting hot at the right time. Helluva game winner by Clint Idiotface.
I thought the result was unfair to Dallas. They mostly outplayed Seattle.

They can play their game at home and win 1-0 and go through, so it's not the worst result. But it is surely disappointing.

Mauro Diaz is a great watch. He bossed that game. Seattle needed a great shot from Ivanschitz and a free kick to get their goals. They didn't really look threatening. Strange to say after they scored 2, but I think it's true. They certainly improved when Valdes came on. Nice player they have there.