Mls Cup Playoffs

It upsets me a little that the Impact's old man is leading them to glory but our old men couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat.

I can't tell, is Montreal stadium sold out or is it an illusion? DC wasn't that filled.
I don't know what constitutes a sellout in Montreal, but according to the had 17,655.

Only 19,525 showed up in Washington to see DCU (which personally I think is lol funny, but then again I've always been a guy who is easily amused).
Did anyone catch the Columbus home playoff game last year while the Buckeyes had a football game the same day?

Sub-10,000. MLS doesn't command that kind of loyalty yet.
Should be studying right now. But I'm watching to see DC score two goals. Come on United!
They'll lose to Montreal. They'll lose to Columbus.

You can change your name. You can change your stadium. You can change your coach. But you'll never win a cup.
Saborio looked old and useless out there reminding me of other washed up RSL alumni. You know, the ones our former coach wanted to build the team around.
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God all mighty DC UNITED are hard to watch it's like watching a Chelsea game last year.
What did it say Gene Gene ? I missed it.

Also, MLS refs are saggy titties, and not the big, full kind, but the pancake titties.

Im going for Montreal because fuck MLSperts and their hard on for Columbus.
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Can someone not fucking explain to Adrian that it's far closer to "Jo-vinco" than it is "GEO-vinco"? Annoys the shit out of me.
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