Mls Cup Playoffs

Am I correct that's the 1st PK Kamara tried all year? Why would he take one now?


And he misses!
Damn. I love Kamara. It's a shame he couldn't get things straight to play for the US. He's an MLS version of Benteke (but K's headers are more accurate. Damnit.)

I love his athleticism.

Also, I have a man-crush on FC Dallas. I picked Seattle to win it all, but I would love to see Dallas make a run.

I wonder, though, if FCD and NJ got to the finals, would the ball just sit in the center circle while they waited for each other to take it?

And the funny thing is, I think the PTFC-VAN game will be the best one of the 4 matches today.

Finally, my Indian food took longer to be delivered than it will stay in my system.
I have not. I'm entirely unfamiliar with it. Why?
Post-modern "novel" by Nabokov with an unreliable narrator. Brilliant and funny. First sign the narrator is off comes in the Prologue:
"Pale Fire, a poem in heroic couplets, of nine hundred ninety-nine lines, divided into four cantos, was composed by John Francis Shade ....
A methodical man, John Shade usually copied out his daily quota of completed lines at midnight but even if he recopied them again later, as I suspect he sometimes did, he marked his card or cards not with the date of his final adjustments, but with that of his Corrected Draft or first Fair Copy. I mean, he preserved the date of actual creation rather than that of second or third parts. There is a very loud amusement park right in front of my present lodgings."
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