My takeaways from this match:
1. While yes we got two red cards, one of them is completely unimportant for future games as we're likely to never see his face again anyway, and the other we're just gonna appeal to PRO and they're going to rescind it.
2. Rodney. Fucking. Wallace. What if he just plays defense, honestly? He makes great tackles, but he had two chances for a winner and fluffed them both.
3. Villa is a god no matter how old he gets, and the effort just shines through.
4. Dome is at fault tonight. He played a person who has NEVER played for us before, showed zero passion and was invisible for 40 minutes, and then got a red card. However,
5. For the first time since... idk even when, we played a
real derby match. That was some intense shit. The players were going at each other, you could really feel the passion in some of the players.
6. Ofori looked awful in the first half. Second half started, he looked amazing, so Geiger told Unkel to send him off so he couldn't rip apart RB anymore.
7. Berget changed the game. Too bad he came off, because I think we could have won with him for 45'.
8. Even though we tied, that was by far one of, if not THE best NYCFC game I've been to yet.
9. Thank you RB for bringing us back to our pre-montreal look in the second half. We looked (at least imo) a lot closer to what we were playing during our hot streak.
10. Chanot is a brick wall. Amazing tonight. His first touches to bring the ball down were amazing, but Ibeagha HAS TO STOP THE HAND UP OFFSIDE STOP RUNNING THING. Pisses me off. Ethan white and Brillant used to do that, and other teams would beat the offside trap and run rings around Saudners.
11. I spotted someone in the section in front of me... (Sorry it's so blurry...)
12. Because I'm dumb and forgot to add it...
Ted Unkel is the biggest joke this planet has ever seen. There has never been a worse referee in the history of this sport. He can go back to the farm and suck his big red bull's balls.