2023 Season Ticket Thread

(TWS that's not directed only at you -- it's at the entire stream of messages. We are way too cynical here towards a team that delivered us a championship less than 14 months ago.
This also reminds me of the Dr. Pepper fansville commercial during CFB. Are we really fans if you don’t post at least one insane rant on the message boards?! That one always cracks me up. Immediately always think of this group!
Wait our reps can get us specific seating locations at Citi instead of the awful random seating they have done in the past (and I’m sure will do again?)
I'm not getting to pick, he's just getting me the assigned seat, which we both forgot about when I signed up. After I was asked here, I emailed him and asked about Citi, he told me he was getting me a seat in which section but I had no input the way I did at YS. I still don't know what it is because he's on vacation this week.
I'm not getting to pick, he's just getting me the assigned seat, which we both forgot about when I signed up. After I was asked here, I emailed him and asked about Citi, he told me he was getting me a seat in which section but I had no input the way I did at YS. I still don't know what it is because he's on vacation this week.
Just curious. If you care more about Citi games. Can you choose a Citi seat and get assigned a random YS seat?
Are Third Rail membership cards only digital now via the Chant app? I'm fine with that, but want to be sure my TR package wasn't missing anything.
Just left Dave & Buster’s and am ready for the season now. Mint flavored!7AAEF612-505B-4E38-89AE-FAEEFD005BE6.jpeg
Questions about the trade-ins:

  1. We get six per season?
  2. If you trade back into a game and want 2 tickets together, I presume you also use up one of the trade-ins to do so?
  3. Do RBA games count against trade-ins?