The handball in the freeze frame above was a good no call. The ball bounced off the player’s foot and caromed up to his arm. Nothing was deliberate. Of course you don’t see that in the freeze frame and maybe that was the point. When you take one or a handful of frames from a play you can build a strong case for a foul or a card. But, you’ve lost context, which is everything.
The classic example was Ofori’s play. It should not have been a red since they were running together and got their legs tangled. He wasn’t sticking his foot in trying to make a play or doing anything deliberate. He was just running. That context is lost if you only focus on the few frames that show the contact.
You can say the same about the picture of Lawrence and Tinnerholm. The TV broadcast showed the same angle a few times, and it looked like he threw his forearm into Tinnerholm’s chest. A card for sure, but probably not red. The screen shot (same angle) looks worse. Maybe there is another angle out there that shows contact with the head or neck, but based on what we have, it’s hard to get too worked up.
Others have pointed out additional potential Red Bull Red Cards. Which were those? I assume we are not talking about Tyler Adams clearing out Ring. While that was an awful no call, it only would have been yellow.