New Jersey - Postmatch

You went from it will be rescinded to it was not a red.
Yeah, I said "I think it will be rescinded" because it should not have been a red. I don't see where my logic is wrong here. However, now looking back and listening to other people, I do agree it probably won't get rescinded, but it should not have been a red to begin with.
Just to prove I can play NYCFC was killed by the refs too:

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Oh Ted.
He... he... he's staring right at it...
All Wallace had to do was body the ball in any way. Open net, Robles nowhere near. Just let the ball bounce off of your stomach. Blow on the ball, I don't even care. Also, when he hit that through ball for Villa everyone in my section was sure Villa was through- except we sit directly center of the right side of the field, so we couldn't see just how badly weighted it was until we saw Villa running his life out for it. If that was maxi on the ball, Villa would be clean through and around Robles.
The handball in the freeze frame above was a good no call. The ball bounced off the player’s foot and caromed up to his arm. Nothing was deliberate. Of course you don’t see that in the freeze frame and maybe that was the point. When you take one or a handful of frames from a play you can build a strong case for a foul or a card. But, you’ve lost context, which is everything.

The classic example was Ofori’s play. It should not have been a red since they were running together and got their legs tangled. He wasn’t sticking his foot in trying to make a play or doing anything deliberate. He was just running. That context is lost if you only focus on the few frames that show the contact.

You can say the same about the picture of Lawrence and Tinnerholm. The TV broadcast showed the same angle a few times, and it looked like he threw his forearm into Tinnerholm’s chest. A card for sure, but probably not red. The screen shot (same angle) looks worse. Maybe there is another angle out there that shows contact with the head or neck, but based on what we have, it’s hard to get too worked up.

Others have pointed out additional potential Red Bull Red Cards. Which were those? I assume we are not talking about Tyler Adams clearing out Ring. While that was an awful no call, it only would have been yellow.
Something just occurred to me, I'm curious to hear what others think.
BWP is 33, Villa is 36. Both will be retiring within two years probably. You can argue that these derbies have been pretty much David Villa vs BWP in terms of goal scoring. Does the complexion of the game change once BWP and/or Villa retire? I think so. idk how, but I think the way both teams go at it will be different.Kind of like what we saw in the last 1-0 derby win.
Deep-dive tactics...... we bossed the second half because we weren’t playing with three at the front. 432 allowed Villa and Berget and then Villa and Wallace to occupy both CBs and run patterns around each other that created picks and dragged the CBs out of position. Berget looked extremely comfortable, as did Villa, and Ring and Maxi we’re afforded time to make delayed runs. We were inches away from hitting Ring in stride inside of the box twice with no marker on him. And it was all created by occupying the CBs so their midfielders would have to be observant tracking our ghosting-in midfielder.

I hope we stick with that attack whether in front of a 442 or 352. For the record, I liked the back three of Sweat Ibeagha and Chanot - I had professed this as a possibility a few days ago with Sweat/Chanot being able to move the ball and Ibeagha being the marker/clearer.
You can kill Wallace for not finishing the cross back but if he hits the ball to Villa with any quality whatsoever then Villa’s burying one.

Me in the stands:
“Ohh no, Wallace!” When he plays that horrendous pass.

Mumbles to self “Villas going to get there”

“WALLLAAAACCCCEEEE!!!!!!” (Let’s pretend that’s all I said.)
The handball in the freeze frame above was a good no call. The ball bounced off the player’s foot and caromed up to his arm. Nothing was deliberate. Of course you don’t see that in the freeze frame and maybe that was the point. When you take one or a handful of frames from a play you can build a strong case for a foul or a card. But, you’ve lost context, which is everything.

The classic example was Ofori’s play. It should not have been a red since they were running together and got their legs tangled. He wasn’t sticking his foot in trying to make a play or doing anything deliberate. He was just running. That context is lost if you only focus on the few frames that show the contact.

You can say the same about the picture of Lawrence and Tinnerholm. The TV broadcast showed the same angle a few times, and it looked like he threw his forearm into Tinnerholm’s chest. A card for sure, but probably not red. The screen shot (same angle) looks worse. Maybe there is another angle out there that shows contact with the head or neck, but based on what we have, it’s hard to get too worked up.

Others have pointed out additional potential Red Bull Red Cards. Which were those? I assume we are not talking about Tyler Adams clearing out Ring. While that was an awful no call, it only would have been yellow.
Nothing in the rules says it has to be deliberate, does it? If it’s deliberate, it’s a card. Otherwise, it can still be an infraction, right?
Something just occurred to me, I'm curious to hear what others think.
BWP is 33, Villa is 36. Both will be retiring within two years probably. You can argue that these derbies have been pretty much David Villa vs BWP in terms of goal scoring. Does the complexion of the game change once BWP and/or Villa retire? I think so. idk how, but I think the way both teams go at it will be different.Kind of like what we saw in the last 1-0 derby win.
My son made an interesting point about this last night. He wondered if players of BWP and DV's quality will ever be able to spend as many years in the league as those two have. Oxymoronically, these 2 may be one of a kind. I wonder if anyone will every score 100 goals in the league again. After BWP, the highest scorers are Villa (73), Dempsey (72), Dwyer (72), Valeri & Bruin (67) and Gio (63).

I guess Dwyer, but not sure anyone else is even in the conversation.

I take some comfort in knowing that we truly and fully appreciate DV while he's here.
I hope we stick with that attack whether in front of a 442 or 352. For the record, I liked the back three of Sweat Ibeagha and Chanot - I had professed this as a possibility a few days ago with Sweat/Chanot being able to move the ball and Ibeagha being the marker/clearer.
Sweat is so much better at CB. It really masks his lack of athleticism. The only thing is it makes the moments when he switches off inexplicably far more dangerous.

I’m guessing we would have seen Mata at LWB if not for him being stupid. His idiocy against Philly cost us last night because Ofori had to slide out, and we ended up starting a guy who hadn’t played meaningful football in 18 months.
Nothing in the rules says it has to be deliberate, does it? If it’s deliberate, it’s a card. Otherwise, it can still be an infraction, right?
Deliberate/not deliberate is a misnomer that is all too often applied when not understanding the rules. He made himself big and the ball hit his arm. Being big is the key. Had his arm been in and he didn’t see it coming, no big deal, but if he’s outstretched, he could be looking the other direction with no knowledge of pending contact and it’s a valid handball.
Nothing in the rules says it has to be deliberate, does it? If it’s deliberate, it’s a card. Otherwise, it can still be an infraction, right?
It doesn't have to be deliberate, but Gotham Gator has a better point when he mentions that it caromed off his leg. He had already interrupted our offensive play with his foot. It's an exception that I've seen applied often enough, though not universally.
Btw, I loved Dome's hhalftime interview. He was asked a simple question, expected to give a quick answer but he went on for like 2 minutes, it was great! The reporter can't really interupt him, but I was expecting it to cut to commercial mid sentence, the producers must have been freaking out!

Oof -- that play by Amagat on the RB goal.

How does one leave Royer in that position, get completely turned around, then not even attempt to hustle back to cause some sense of urgency on the ball after getting caught in no man's land.

WTF Amagat. That play tells me all I need to know about how he is treating his stint here.
Me in the stands:
“Ohh no, Wallace!” When he plays that horrendous pass.

Mumbles to self “Villas going to get there”

“WALLLAAAACCCCEEEE!!!!!!” (Let’s pretend that’s all I said.)
That pass was actually the worst part of the whole sequence for me. Just a little better and Villa is 1v1 on the keeper. The whole play was an amazing showcase of Villa's quality from the run to picking out the best pass.