Great Caesar's Ghost
oh man this will be used or probably already being used to try and ridicule lampard more than anyone in that pic
Great Caesar's Ghost
oh man this will be used or probably already being used to try and ridicule lampard more than anyone in that pic
Yes, how dare he support breast cancer research.
Great Caesar's Ghost
Susan G Komen spend most of their money on advertising, marketing, administrative salaries...
Just like the majority of most mainstream charities. SmhThere are much better breast cancer charities to support. Susan G Komen spend most of their money on advertising, marketing, administrative salaries than actual cancer research.
Even I won't ridicule Lampard for doing this. But you're right, some will.oh man this will be used or probably already being used to try and ridicule lampard more than anyone in that pic
And if they do they'll just make themselves look like assholes.Even I won't ridicule Lampard for doing this. But you're right, some will.
There are much better breast cancer charities to support. Susan G Komen spend most of their money on advertising, marketing, administrative salaries than actual cancer research.
Am I the only one getting sick of seeing the team being distracted by media opportunities ? It's beginning to feel like they are off gallivanting the city more than they are at the training center. And when they are there , its for an hour. Im really , really starting to doubt the training / coaching staff. I have been noticing it for a while now but it's starting to become clearer week by week. This is not a dig towards the tutu charity situation , more towards that ridiculous spread of our DPs oiled up looking scrawny as all hell and miserable.
sure i notice that, but maybe its the club that makes them do this not really the coaching staff? though yes longer closed in training sessions seem to needed more now since we got everyone.
All of these things might be necessary to scale their work. What about using absolute efficacy of cancer research rather relative quantity of cancer research as a measure of... you know, whether or not Frank should be training in a tutu.There are much better breast cancer charities to support. Susan G Komen spend most of their money on advertising, marketing, administrative salaries than actual cancer research.
Quad injury unknown. But non profs are generally very poorly assessed and measured. However one pretty consistently used metric is percent of money raised that goes to purpose of charity vs admin and overhead.All of these things might be necessary to scale their work. What about using absolute efficacy of cancer research rather relative quantity of cancer research as a measure of... you know, whether or not Frank should be training in a tutu.
Also, how related is this to his quad injury?
Oh, it got mentioned. Last page. I can't look at it without cringing. Whoever thought that was a good look for the three of them should be fired.So no one is going to mention the New York mag photo spread? I mean, it's Donovan drinking from a fountain bad.
Am I the only one getting sick of seeing the team being distracted by media opportunities ? It's beginning to feel like they are off gallivanting the city more than they are at the training center. And when they are there , its for an hour. Im really , really starting to doubt the training / coaching staff. I have been noticing it for a while now but it's starting to become clearer week by week. This is not a dig towards the tutu charity situation , more towards that ridiculous spread of our DPs oiled up looking scrawny as all hell and miserable.