2022 Roster Discussion

Sell James for $6 million if they will trigger that now. They seem to have no interest in playing or developing him. His fee won’t go higher.
He’s also a young player and they could be taking a slow route with him. He was scouted for a reason. He was also subbed on in one of the biggest fixture in that clubs recent history and performed. Bring him in and allow him a year worth of training and familiarity. His position is different than that of a striker, not dependent on form as much as situational understanding. If that was indeed their plan and they executed the first part of it and they’re happy with his development then I can see them pursuing a permanent transfer. For us paying $6m for a back up CDM is crazy but for them it might be great business.
That’s my worry. They may have never intended to unless he outperforms and they trigger it to sell him on

he will probably go on loan full 18 months and thats it. comes back or probably sell for lower fee to someone else if he generates interest thru europa league performances.
he will probably go on loan full 18 months and thats it. comes back or probably sell for lower fee to someone else if he generates interest thru europa league performances.

Would be amazing if he came back, we could give him a DP contract and let him anchor our midfield for the next 15 years. He can have the captain's armband when Sean retires.
This was always the problem with the 18 month loan with option. If Sands' value increases over that season-and-a-half, then Rangers can trigger the clause whether or not they intend to keep him - they can buy and then sell on at a profit. If his value does not increase, then we get him back, but at a time when we have secured replacements and would prefer to sell him. So, we likely sell for less.

That said, there were a few MLS players sent out on 18-month deals. It's not clear to me why, but it's something that was common in the market last off-season.
This was always the problem with the 18 month loan with option. If Sands' value increases over that season-and-a-half, then Rangers can trigger the clause whether or not they intend to keep him - they can buy and then sell on at a profit. If his value does not increase, then we get him back, but at a time when we have secured replacements and would prefer to sell him. So, we likely sell for less.

That said, there were a few MLS players sent out on 18-month deals. It's not clear to me why, but it's something that was common in the market last off-season.
18 months are probably due to our seasons ending/beginning at different times of the year. They don't want to loan a player for 12 months and have to integrate them for the latter half of the season and only have them for the first half of the next season. They probably do the extra 6 months so the player can integrate into their new location and then have a whole preseason to really start getting involved without the need for adaptation/integration. It sucks with the seasons being mis-aligned, but it is what it is. It probably sucks more for the players in that they're losing 6 months for this "adapting" phase, but it seems this may be the only way for MLS youngsters to get a chance in Europe. The truer test will be to see how much time Sands gets in these next 5-6 months to give us a better understanding of how Rangers views his potential/value. I wouldn't put too much into what's happened these previous 6.
If Rangers were to buy Sands (which I think is not unlikely) I imagine it would be to transition him into a starter.

Their current most-capped defenders are 29+30 years old. Putting him on at all at the europa final shows enough confidence in him that I think 6m is feasible.
Taylor Twellman at halftime of today’s KC-NE match says that Taty is likely to stay with NYCFC through the season as nobody has hit the $15M valuation.
Taylor Twellman at halftime of today’s KC-NE match says that Taty is likely to stay with NYCFC through the season as nobody has hit the $15M valuation.
Taty stays but Ronny goes was not high on anyone's probability matrix. Not a bad result, though I was resigned to Taty's departure and annoyed because unprepared for Ronny's.
What’s the point of holding out for $15 million? You max out GAM at what? $10 million?

He's the most valuable player in NYCFC history and they want the money? Also there's an argument to be made that you don't want to settle for less because it's prestigious for the league and the team to have a player at that valuation.
I can’t reconcile his they handled Sands and Taty. Taty is worth more for sure. But with Sands they grabbed the first adequate deal they could make to accommodate his preference to leave. They’re not doing that with Taty. All I can think is he might not be as insistent as James was. Not that he doesn’t want to go, but maybe he’s ok if he stays the entire season.
There are two months left in the window.
Very good point. That’s a lot of time to negotiate. And nearing the end of the two month window, a team needing a striker will be willing to pay NYC’s valuation. But of course the down side is you could piss off Taty if he doesn’t go.
I can’t reconcile his they handled Sands and Taty. Taty is worth more for sure. But with Sands they grabbed the first adequate deal they could make to accommodate his preference to leave. They’re not doing that with Taty. All I can think is he might not be as insistent as James was. Not that he doesn’t want to go, but maybe he’s ok if he stays the entire season.

Is there a difference between an academy player and a player they previously bought?

Also let's be honest: James Sands is nowhere near as valuable as Taty Castellanos. I don't think the situations are similar.

And finally, the transfer window is open until what, August? I could see this going right down to the final day with NYCFC hoping they can get a bidding war going.
I think it will depend on Taty's form. If he blows up in the next month and starts tearing defenses apart and racking up goals and assists, the offers will come.

He was last year's golden boot winner and so far putting up decent numbers. But he hasn't been super dominant like he was the 2nd half of last season after he kicked his goal drought. If he can find that form again and continues to show his hard work ethic, the offers will come. I think european clubs are looking to see if he can be consistent. or if he was a one modified season wonder.
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