Official Nycfc In The Media Thread 2015


Helluva poster for the mancave, I dare say.......
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5. ALL ABOARD THE NYCFC HYPE TRAIN: On Wednesday at MLS Digital most folks had New York City FC vs. St. Mirren on their second monitor or streaming in the background. And while we're loath to use February results to predict those from March-December, there's no doubt Jason Kreis' boys impressed. The oohs and aahs in our office said it all as David Villa and Tony Taylor got the goals in a 2-0 win (HIGHLIGHTS), then Simon Borg went and called the performance Barcelona-esque on ExtraTime Radio. Climb aboard, the NYCFC hype train (express, obviously) has left the station. – ANDREW WIEBE


Hype Train? Really? Perhaps I'm being a tad thin skinned here, but with the way that web page has given Orlando a reach around since they've come into the league, the use of the term Hype Train is eye rolling.
Hype Train? Really? Perhaps I'm being a tad thin skinned here, but with the way that web page has given Orlando a reach around since they've come into the league, the use of the term Hype Train is eye rolling.
Who's Andrew Wiebe ?

At least put an effort and call it "hype Subway". But still just another MLS article i could care less for.