I just want an NYC club. I thought it would be easy for NYC to become my favorite team.
I just signed up for that stupid City Voice, with MCFC URL and all, and they asked me the question if NYC is my favorite club. So I asked myself. And I came to the conclusion that I am much further away from NYC being my favorite club than I actually cared to admit.
I hope it changes, but it won't so long as this continues to be the MO. I'm a 1/2 season away from just being a guy who owns season tickets and shows up for the matches I find interesting from the perspective of being a fan of the game, not a fan of the team. Frankly, it'll be about like I was with RBNY, but with me making more games because I don't have to get in the PATH.
Oh well. I'll just sell the rest of the tix and use the money to make my once a year match at Anfield.
I don't want this outcome. I have fought against this outcome. I'm losing my fortitude.